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Launch of the 2022 creative arts competition

Launch of the 2022 creative arts competition

14th June, 2022. The MGCSW was invited to go and Launch the 2022 creative arts competition: #Funoon4Hiwar linked to the state of the world population report “seeing the unseen: the neglected crisis of unintended pregnancy." This competition aimed to raise awareness on...

Exchange visit to Kigali and Ghana.

Exchange visit to Kigali and Ghana.

6th June, 2022. The Ministry of Gender Child and Social Welfare , Hon. Aya Benjamin Warille  attended a workshop organized by UN Women  in partnership with UNDP South Sudan  and UNMISS . This was for the SSPDF team to share their experience during the exchange visits...

6th June, 2022. The minister of Gender Child and social welfare joined the Juba massacre widows and orphans Association in Celebration of the 30th anniversary of the 1992 Juba massacre Under the theme: a father to the fatherless a defender of widows is God in his holy...

2022 Girls football tournament

2022 Girls football tournament

4th June 2022. The 2022 Girls football tournament held in Juba. Under the theme: unleashing the girl's potential to end child marriage, took place from the  4th to 18th of June in Buluk Play ground.               This was a part of a...

South Sudanese Grand Trade fair

South Sudanese Grand Trade fair

on the 27th May 2022, The Mara Muhim Organization for women empowerment organized a 3 day South Sudanese Grand Trade fair under the theme: Building Women in Business.           This was a Trade fair that brought different business women to...

2-day training in Western Bahr El Ghazal.

2-day training in Western Bahr El Ghazal.

19 TH May 2022       The South Sudan women peace and security group in partnership with UMISS and the MGCSW organized a 2-day training in Western Bahr El Ghazal. This workshop was a chance or the women leaders in WBGS to interact and gain experience...

Launch of the 2022 creative arts competition

Launch of the 2022 creative arts competition

14th June, 2022. The MGCSW was invited to go and Launch the 2022 creative arts competition: #Funoon4Hiwar linked to the state of the world population report “seeing the unseen: the neglected crisis of unintended pregnancy." This competition aimed to raise awareness on...

Exchange visit to Kigali and Ghana.

Exchange visit to Kigali and Ghana.

6th June, 2022. The Ministry of Gender Child and Social Welfare , Hon. Aya Benjamin Warille  attended a workshop organized by UN Women  in partnership with UNDP South Sudan  and UNMISS . This was for the SSPDF team to share their experience during the exchange visits...

6th June, 2022. The minister of Gender Child and social welfare joined the Juba massacre widows and orphans Association in Celebration of the 30th anniversary of the 1992 Juba massacre Under the theme: a father to the fatherless a defender of widows is God in his holy...

2022 Girls football tournament

2022 Girls football tournament

4th June 2022. The 2022 Girls football tournament held in Juba. Under the theme: unleashing the girl's potential to end child marriage, took place from the  4th to 18th of June in Buluk Play ground.               This was a part of a...

South Sudanese Grand Trade fair

South Sudanese Grand Trade fair

on the 27th May 2022, The Mara Muhim Organization for women empowerment organized a 3 day South Sudanese Grand Trade fair under the theme: Building Women in Business.           This was a Trade fair that brought different business women to...

2-day training in Western Bahr El Ghazal.

2-day training in Western Bahr El Ghazal.

19 TH May 2022       The South Sudan women peace and security group in partnership with UMISS and the MGCSW organized a 2-day training in Western Bahr El Ghazal. This workshop was a chance or the women leaders in WBGS to interact and gain experience...

Launch of the 2022 creative arts competition

Launch of the 2022 creative arts competition

14th June, 2022. The MGCSW was invited to go and Launch the 2022 creative arts competition: #Funoon4Hiwar linked to the state of the world population report “seeing the unseen: the neglected crisis of unintended pregnancy." This competition aimed to raise awareness on...

Exchange visit to Kigali and Ghana.

Exchange visit to Kigali and Ghana.

6th June, 2022. The Ministry of Gender Child and Social Welfare , Hon. Aya Benjamin Warille  attended a workshop organized by UN Women  in partnership with UNDP South Sudan  and UNMISS . This was for the SSPDF team to share their experience during the exchange visits...

6th June, 2022. The minister of Gender Child and social welfare joined the Juba massacre widows and orphans Association in Celebration of the 30th anniversary of the 1992 Juba massacre Under the theme: a father to the fatherless a defender of widows is God in his holy...

2022 Girls football tournament

2022 Girls football tournament

4th June 2022. The 2022 Girls football tournament held in Juba. Under the theme: unleashing the girl's potential to end child marriage, took place from the  4th to 18th of June in Buluk Play ground.               This was a part of a...

South Sudanese Grand Trade fair

South Sudanese Grand Trade fair

on the 27th May 2022, The Mara Muhim Organization for women empowerment organized a 3 day South Sudanese Grand Trade fair under the theme: Building Women in Business.           This was a Trade fair that brought different business women to...

2-day training in Western Bahr El Ghazal.

2-day training in Western Bahr El Ghazal.

19 TH May 2022       The South Sudan women peace and security group in partnership with UMISS and the MGCSW organized a 2-day training in Western Bahr El Ghazal. This workshop was a chance or the women leaders in WBGS to interact and gain experience...
