Date: 22/4/2022.
The civil society lawyers held dialogue on anti -Gender Based Violence legislation in South Sudan.

Participants during the dialogue

Participants during the dialogue
Hon. Justice Francis Amum of the #GBV and juvenile court gave an overview of the Anti GBV draft Bill. The participants got a chance to view the Bill, make comments and give suggestions to be considered in the draft Bill.

Hon. Dr. Lina Jebii Kelimo
Hon. Dr. Lina Jebii Kelimo , the Chief Administrative secretary, Ministry of public service , Gender, Senior Citizens Affairs and special programs a representative from Kenya, also had the chance to share her experience on legislation of Anti GBV bill, Family Bill and FGM Bill.

Hon. Aya Benjamin
“We are moving towards the right direction. And together we can end GBV in south Sudan, protect the rights of girls and women from GBV and End Child Marriage.” Hon. Aya Warille (The minister of Gender child and social welfare )
She also went ahead to thank the partners; UNFPA ,swedish embassy, canadian Embassy and Norwegian Embassy for continuously standing with the ministry and being instrumental partners.
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